Texte von Reverend Paul Cromwell

Community Organzing as Practiced in the United States- A Description With Examples

Paul Cromwell


Community organizing as practiced in the United States has as its roots the work of Saul Alinsky (1909 -1972).  Alinsky’s work, begun in Chicago and then moved to other American cities, can most simply be described as the transferring of concepts and strategies used in the American labor movement for greater worker justice, to poor and ethnically diverse large urban neighborhoods in order to improve city services and the quality of life in these residential neighborhoods.  Near the end of his life, Alinsky’s associates sought to institutionalize this work in the form of systematic trainings for community organization leaders and staff, and by creating an institutional structure that would help sustain and spread these efforts.  The legacy of Alinsky’s work can now be found in hundreds of American cities, towns, and rural areas through the work of individual membership-based organizations, as well as, organizations of organizations where religious congregations, labor unions, and others band together.

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Reflection on the citizen participation conference (Hannover, 11/2005)

Three things have shaped my reflections on this conference. First is my twenty-five years of experience as a community organizer in the United States. Second, during the past four months I have been visiting with many persons throughout Germany who are involved in Gemeinwesenarbeit and other citizen participation efforts. Finally, I have been gaining a sense that there are both growing social challenges (growing unemployment, cut backs in government spending, etc.) and a growing sense that political parties and other traditional groups are not truly representing the interests of low-income persons in Germany.

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Abschluss-Statement und Reflexionen zur Tagung Bürgerbeteiligung (Hannover, 11/2005)

Drei  Faktoren haben meine Beobachtungen auf dieser Tagung geprägt:
Erstens meine 25 jährige Berufserfahrung als Community Organizier in den USA.
Zweitens: Während der letzten 4 Monate habe ich viele Personen in ganz Deutschland besucht, die in Gemeinwesenarbeit oder in anderen Formen von BürgerInnenbeteiligung engagiert sind.
Und schließlich : Dabei habe ich begriffen, dass  in Deutschland sowohl eine zunehmende soziale Herausforderung (zunehmende Arbeitslosigkeit, Kürzungen der staatlichen Zuschüsse etc..) heranwächst als auch das Gefühl zunimmt, dass die politischen Parteien und andere traditionelle Gruppen nicht wirklich die Interessen von einkommensschwachen Personengruppen in Deutschland repräsentieren.

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